July 14, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again...

Here we go again! I am a lot of things, but a quitter is not one of them. I have to say thank you to my darling friend Jennifer who actually checks my blog frequently & lets me know that I "had to", "need to", and "absolutely MUST" get back to the blog! Now I - a CPA, wife and mommy to 3 pups have a lot on my plate, but my friend Jennifer's plate is in total abundance! She handles it with grace. Therefore I have no excuse - I am back!
If you have a chance, a box of tissues & want reassurance that amazing, traditional families still exist please check out her blog - www.
elisvalley-perfectlove.blogspot.com. It is nice to have friends you can actually admire!!!

Now I actually have resources to make this into what I always wanted - a simple, rant free, no-pressure cooking blog. The idea of having a witty repertoire every time I shared a recipe encouraged my avoidance of this blog! So with that being said I am back - hope you enjoy! No witty repertoire guarantee here.
CSA Boxes - Thanks to another dear friend, whom my husband has named Chefie, (aka Katherine) I have developed a jealousy for fresh, local produce. Chefie is an amazing local/organic cook who lives in the Atlanta / Decatur area. Living where she does farmers' markets, butchers & direct from the farm options are in abundance. I was ridiculously jealous of the weekly Community Supports Agriculture (CSA) boxes she received at her home! I was even more jealous of how inventive her cooking was due to the random veggies delivered to her door. OK - long story short I found Grow Alabama. They are a CSA group who now deliver boxes of organic, Alabama grown produce to ME!!! Check them out - www.growalabama.com.
This was our first delivery - silver level. I called the next day and bumped us to the gold level. I have since heard that our first week on the silver level was sparse & a rarity. I now have to agree. On the gold level we have always received more than 10 varieties of items.
Here is our second shipment - so amazing!

Ok - I promised I wouldn't rant, but I have - so if you are actually still reading this - here is our new favorite chicken recipe. I have learned that if you post on a cooking blog you actually have to name your recipes.
I am going to go ahead and admit that I am a sentimental kind of gal & even cheesy at times (only when it comes to things like this) - so please don't hold the names of my recipes against me (they all have a meaning). OK without further ado here is the first:

Janna's Chicken (2 servings)
2 banana peppers, seeded and diced
1 vidalia onion (or sweet onion), diced
2 chicken breasts, skinless & boneless, grilled & halved
1 Tsp Olive Oil
1 & 1/2 cups chicken broth, low sodium (separated, use 1 cup in the beginning & 1/2 for the later)
1/2 cup white wine
Dash of Salt & Pepper
Dash of Herbs de Provence
4 slices of Brie Cheese cut in half
Saute the peppers and onions in oil and broth - cook down for 30 minutes - add wine, herbs, salt & pepper and chicken to mix. Bring to a simmer & then top chicken with cheese, allow to melt and serve topped with onions and peppers.


Jennifer said...

Yay!!! I am so glad you are blogging again. You are such a sweetheart and to be admired yourself! I actually checked out the Grow Alabama website after you posted a picture of the gorgeous box of goodies on fb. I was hoping you would blog about your CSA box! Thank you for sending the recipes home with Jamie. They will be a definite must! This recipe that you posted tonight is however at the top of my list to try! It sounds and looks devine! Your blog looks fabulous! Looking foward to more Lara originals. I also told my mom about your blog. She's going to check it out also! xoxo

Lara B Knight said...

thank you for the complements!!! From you- they make me smile - I would love it if your Mom followed me -lots of things are to come - again thanks for the inspiration - I don't know how you do everything you do - you are a total class act!!! Love!!! LK

Anonymous said...

Hey LuLu, I love the blog and keep up the good work...

Anonymous said...

Great blog, Lara! Keep it up! I can't wait to read more!

Lara B Knight said...

Thank you Nicole!!!