September 20, 2011

An Update & Our New CSA

My apologies for my lack of posts the last few weeks.  We lost our precious ten year old miniature schnauzer, Alexander, to a cancer of the bone marrow.  It was very unexpected and devastating, but our hearts are on the mend.  I want to say thank you for the sweet messages and comments!  I missed you guys too.
We have added a new member to our family, Walter Knight.  He is a 5 month old Norfolk Terrier & precious as can be.  He came all the way from Great Falls, Montana. Walter coming into our lives was just meant to be.  This breed is extremely hard to find and I feel that his placement with us was definitely a wink from above.  Our 9 month old puppy, Louise thinks Walter is her baby, so sweet!
The Knight's Sir Walter Scott
We have also joined a new Fall CSA from Hampstead Farms. The first two weeks have been very impressive.  Fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers, and great recipes.
Week one - flowers & herb bouquet, arugula, sweet &
chili peppers, okra, eggplant, sweet potatoes & scuppernogs
Week two - Gorgeous basil bouquet, sweet potatoes, pickled okra,
chili peppers, radishes, eggplant & scuppernogs
Can't wait for this week's box.

I have some wonderful recipes to post this week - a pasta salad you will love to take tailgating & my go with French onion soup.    So please check back tomorrow & thank you again for your kind comments & messages.


  1. Would love to see a photo of Louise. Peter and I adore dogs. Our one remaining one (the little guy went away almost two years ago)is somewhat elderly, but we dote on him. So you were talking about food. Sorry, I got diverted by the dogs.

  2. I hope things are going great with sweet Walter! I love the boxes! They look so yummy! I am looking foward to that pasta recipe! Love to you!

  3. Stephen - I added a link to Louise's picture above - just click her name. Right now we have a 12 year old schnauzer, 6 year old Scottie and then the babies. They are all so special. You have Cavalier Kings?
    Thank you Jenn! Love to you & I hope Cooper is feeling better.
