September 3, 2010

Fingerling Potatoes with Thyme

Simple and delicious.  I came across this new potato recipe, and was inspired to make some changes.  This has become my favorite potato recipe.  You can make it as healthy or as decadent as you want.  Also don't be discouraged if you can't find fingerling potatoes you can use new potatoes, red skinned or white rounds.

Fingerling Potatoes with Thyme
1 1/2 to 2 lbs of fingerling potatoes
4 cups low sodium chicken broth
6 sprigs of thyme
Mediterranean Sea Salt & Pepper
*This is best prepped in a cast iron skillet

Wash potatoes and cut the larger potatoes in half so they are all about the same size. Place as a single layer in the skillet and add the thyme sprigs, crank of pepper, & 2 cups of broth.  Bring to a boil and then reduce to a simmer.  Allow the broth to evaporate (30 minutes), add another cup and allow to evaporate (30 minutes)  then add the final cup, again allowing it to evaporate.   Add a crank of pepper & sea salt. Remove the thyme sprigs (the leaves have fallen off at this point) and transfer to your serving dish.

At this point these are very healthy and delicious.
The following are the things I have added: caramelized onions, sherried onions and mushrooms, caramelized onions with Parmesan cheese and sour cream & every combination plus butter.

Approximate cooking time is 1 & 1/2 hours, but please keep an eye on them - you may want to keep extra broth on hand just to be safe.

Fingerling Potato on FoodistaFingerling Potato


  1. These would be an excellent compliment for the lemon chicken. Thyme and lemon go hand in hand. Glad you shared them together. Can't wait to try this meal!

  2. Doll they are perfect pairs - love the potatoes also with red meat - makes a great steak side dish! Let me know what you think about both please!!!

  3. You are right, this would be great with some grilled steak or chicken.I saw your blog from the foodie blog roll and I like what you have here.if you won't mind I'd love to guide Foodista readers to this post.Just add the foodista widget to the end of this post and it's all set, Thanks!

  4. Thank you Alisa - I am flattered! I added the link I can't wait to explore your site - what a great resource you provide!

  5. Thanks for the tips. I love potatoes and am always looking for new ways to prepare them.

  6. Thank you Merut! Hope you enjoy & please come back and let me know how it turned out - Lara
